Weather Stations

Weather Stations

Picton Harbours maintains three Gill GMX500 Maximet Weather Stations in the Marlborough Sounds.

Weather stations are located at:

Weather is forwarded to the Weather Underground, stored in a data warehouse, and provided to partner organisations. Partner feeds are available as NMEA via a UDP stream or TCP server, as XML, or JSON. For TCP server access:

  • Dieffenbach Point on port 45068

  • Northern Entrance on port 45051

  • Tory Entrance on port 45050

  • Waikawa Marina on port 45054

Picton Harbours also forwards data from three Vaisala WXT 530 sensors maintained by Port Marlborough Limited.

Stations are located at:

Partner feeds are available as NMEA via TCP server:

  • Ferry Terminal 12027

  • Shakespeare Bay 12026

  • Waitoe Wharf 12028

NMEA Format

Several sentence types are produced. Each is followed by a CR/LF.

  • A line containing a “T” provides the average wind speed and direction

  • A line containing a “M” provides the minimum wind speed and direction over a sample period

  • A line containing an “X” provides the maximum wind speed and direction over a sample period

  • A line containing a “G” provides the IMO three-second gust speed and direction

  • A line containing RH, TEMP, and PRESS contains relative humidity in percent, the temperature in degrees celsius, and the barometric pressure in pascals

  • A line containing RH, TEMP, PRESS, and DP contains relative humidity in percent, the temperature in degrees celsius, the barometric pressure in pascals, and the dew point

NMEA format sentence example:

$WIMWV,332.0,T,05.33,N,A*22 $WIMWV,322.0,G,09.22,N,A*3C $WIXDR,H,092,P,RH,C,014.1,C,TEMP,P,1.025,B,PRESS,C,009.9,C,DP*08

JSON Format

A JSON packet is produced once a minute in the following format. As per the NMEA format:

  • wind directions are in degrees

  • wind speed is in knots

  • wind gust is the IMO three-second maximum gust

  • relative humidity in percent

  • temperature is in degrees celsius

  • barometric pressure is in pascals

  • relative humidity is in percent

JSON format example:

{ "sensor_id": "pcn.westhead.gmx500.1", "timestamp": "2021-12-02T09:43:51Z", "measurement_id": "0f726c8da32d5720fd6171aedf1c4b46", "avg_temp": 18.1, "avg_pressure": 1017.9, "humidity": 115.0, "dewpoint": 13.4, "wind_avg": 1.21, "wind_dir": 329.0, "wind_gust": 1.75, "wind_gust_dir": 319.0 }