Current Predictions
Current Predictions for the Tory Channel are available with new data every ten minutes for the following locations:
loc_1 (174.3120, -41.2200)
loc_2 (174.3212, -41.2134)
loc_3 (174.3185, -41.2116)
loc_4 (174.3148, -41.2102)
loc_5 (174.3106, -41.2098)
loc_6 (174.3065, -41.2103)
loc_7 (174.3031, -41.2113)
loc_8 (174.2763, -41.2261)
loc_9 (174.2552, -41.2397)
loc_10 (174.2262, -41.2409)
loc_11 (174.2011, -41.2405)
loc_12 (174.1796, -41.2456)
loc_13 (174.1604, -41.2473)
loc_14 (174.1546, -41.2386)
loc_15 (174.1526, -41.2300)
JSON Format
A JSON packet is produced once every ten minutes, with a 30 minute delay, and uploaded to the Council’s data lake:
timestamp is in UTC
lat/lon are in WGS84 decimal degree format
height is Surface elevation above MSL in meters
east_velocity is Eastward surface current velocity in m/s
north_velocity is Northward surface current velocity in m/s
current_direction_true is the surface current direction in degrees true North
current_direction_magnetic is the surface current direction in degrees magnetic North (22.5 degree offset)
current_speed_knots is the current speed in knots
measurement_id is unique for every ten minute period
JSON format example:
'loc_name': 'tory_loc_15',
'timestamp': '2022-07-08T07:40:00Z',
'lat': -41.23,
'lon': 174.1526,
'height': -0.004463135070520845,
'east_velocity': -0.014527322724461555,
'north_velocity': 0.045555416494607925,
'current_direction_true': 342.31,
'current_direction_magnetic': 319.81,
'current_speed_knots': 0.09,
'measurement_id': '6cc86cb02f1d85bed2b35a1e9210892c'
NMEA Format
One sentence type is produced and sent once a minute, with all data on a 30 minute delay. Each sentence is followed by a CR/LF. Sentences contain:
Current direction in degrees True North (“T”)
Current direction in degrees Magnetic North (“M”)
Current speed in knots (“N”)
NMEA format sentence example:
One TCP port is provided for each location, with ports ranging from 12101-12115 and the last two digits of the port number corresponding with the location ids above.