MicroPython Introduction Exercises

MicroPython Introduction Exercises

The tutorial linked below is a quick introduction to MicroPython. It's appropriate for programmers or network engineers who are familiar with the basics of programming in any language. During our workshop you'll need to know at least some basic math operations, how to construct loops, and how to print. If you get stuck later in the workshop, come back to this tutorial for help.

In order to run the tutorial you'll need a Google Account. If you don't have one, please sign up for one now. It's also helpful, but not necessary, to have the Chrome browser.

When you first click the link, you'll might see a screen like this:

If you do, it means you need to sign into your Google account with the blue "Sign in" button.

Once you've signed in, you should see a "Open" menu at the top centre of the page.

You should choose "Collaboratory" from this menu. If you don't have access to Collaboratory, ask for help.

Here's the link - good luck! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QBac3BVVOklIkd5x2gRmTPi6Da5o3QwZ/view?usp=sharing