Temperature & Humidity Sensors

Temperature & Humidity Sensors

The Temperature & Humidity sensors on the Pysense board are an excellent way to prototype applications. Because they are attached to a system board and enclosed in a case, they will not be very accurate. The humidity may be lower than it should be, and the temperature may be higher.

Although the sensors are not very accurate, they still work. In this lab you will combine readings from these sensors with ideas from other exercises. This example code shows you how to read the sensors.

# Temperature and humidity sensors (Si7006-A20)
# https://www.silabs.com/documents/public/data-sheets/Si7006-A20.pdf
from pysense import Pysense
from SI7006A20 import SI7006A20
import pycom
import micropython
import machine
import time

py = Pysense()
tempHum = SI7006A20(py)
while True:
    temperature = tempHum.temp()
    humidity = tempHum.humidity()
    print("Temperature: {} Degrees  Humidity: {}".format(temperature, humidity))


Write a program that will:

  • read room temperature when started
  • save the measurement with a time stamp
  • display a blue light while the board remains near room temperature
  • if the temperature drops 0.5 degrees below room temperature, log the measurement and change the LED to green
  • if the temperature rises 0.5 degrees above room temperature, log the measurement and change the LED to red

Remember that when you want to use the LED in your application, you need to disable the system heartbeat.

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