TTN + Cayenne Test Code
TTN + Cayenne Test Code
You also need a folder for the Cayenne LPP protocol. The folder will be called "cayenneLPP" and it will have two files inside:
""" CayenneLPP module. A module for the Cayenne Low Power Packet format. It aims to facilate the conversion of values typically read from sensors to a sequence of bits (the payload) that can be send over a network using the Cayenne Low Power Packet format. This format is particularly suited for LPWAN networks such as LoRaWAN. The payload can then be send for instance to an application of The Things Network, a LoRaWAN-based community network, which will then forward the data to a Cayenne application thanks to its Cayenne integration. The module consists of constants defining the different sensors and their size and one class CayenneLPP containing the methods to build a payload. The constants have the format NAME_SENSOR = (LPP id, Data size) where LPP id is the IPSO id - 3200 and Data size is the number of bytes that must be used to encode the reading from the sensor. More info here: https://mydevices.com/cayenne/docs/lora/#lora-cayenne-low-power-payload-overview Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license that can be found in the LICENSE file. """ __version__ = '0.5' __author__ = 'Johan Barthelemy' import struct # Some constants of the form # NAME_SENSOR = (LPP id = IPSO id - 3200, Data size in bytes) DIGITAL_INPUT = (bytes([0]), 1) # 1 unsigned (True/False) DIGITAL_OUTPUT = (bytes([1]), 1) # 1 unsigned (True/False) ANALOG_INPUT = (bytes([2]), 2) # 0.01 signed ANALOG_OUTPUT = (bytes([3]), 2) # 0.01 signed ILLUMINANCE_SENSOR = (bytes([101]), 2) # 1 lux unsigned MSB PRESENCE_SENSOR = (bytes([102]), 1) # 1 unsigned (True/False) TEMPERATURE_SENSOR = (bytes([103]), 2) # 0.1 deg Celcius signed MSB HUMIDITY_SENSOR = (bytes([104]), 1) # 0.5 unsigned ACCELEROMETER = (bytes([113]), 6) # 0.001 G signed MSB per axis BAROMETER = (bytes([115]), 2) # 0.1 hPa unsigned MSB GYROMETER = (bytes([134]), 6) # 0.01 deg/sec signed msb per axis GPS = (bytes([136]), 9) # latitude: 0.0001 degree signed MSB # longiture: 0.0001 degree signed MSB # altitude: 0.01 meter signed MSB class CayenneLPP: """ Class for packing data in the Cayenne LPP format The class contains the methods to pack data from sensors in a Cayenne LPP format. The payload structure for the Cayenne LPP format is data frame of the form: [SENSOR_1, SENSOR_2, ... SENSOR_N], where the format for one sensor is defined by: [CHANNEL, SENSOR TYPE, DATA]. The channel is an unique identifier for each sensor in the data frame. The type of sensors compatible with this class are: - digital input/output; - analog input/output; - luminosity (or illuminance) sensor; - presence sensor; - temperature sensor; - humidity sensor; - accelerometer; - barometer; - gyrometer; - gps. An object of this class has 3 attributes: - payload: the data from one or more senors formatted with the Cayenne LPP format; - size: the maximum size of the payload (depends on the network on which the data will be send to); - socket: a socket via which we can send the payload. The constructor will generate an object with an empty payload and with a maximum size. It is possible to reset the payload with the 'reset' method and change the maximum size with the 'change_size' method. The current payload and maximum size can be obtained with the methods 'get_payload' and 'get_size' methods. You can send the payload via the socket using the 'send' method. The socket can be set using the 'set_socket' method. To add the data from a sensor, the methods 'add_sensor_name' are provided. Author: Johan Barthelemy """ def __init__(self, size = 11, sock = None): """ Constructor Args: size: The maximum size (in bytes) for the payload. Default = 11. If the size is lower than 3, then it is set to 3. sock: A socket that can be used by the send method to transmit the payload (optional). """ if size < 3: size = 3 self.size = size self.payload = bytes() self.socket = sock def is_within_size_limit(self, a_size): """ Check if adding data will result in a payload size below size The actual size increase is given by a_size + 2 for the channel and sensor type. Args: a_size: The size of the data to be added to the payload (in bytes). Returns: True if the current size of the payload + a_size is lower than size, False otherwise. """ if (len(self.payload) + a_size + 2) <= self.size: return True else: return False def reset_payload(self): """Reset the payload""" self.payload = bytes() def change_size(self, a_size): """ Changing the size Args: a_size: The new maximum size of the payload. """ self.size = a_size def get_size(self): """Return the size (number of bits) of the payload""" return len(self.payload) def get_payload(self): """Returning the payload""" return self.payload def set_socket(self, a_socket): """ Setting the socket Args: a_socket: A socket. """ self.socket = a_socket; def send(self, reset_payload = False): """ Sending the payload via the socket Args: reset_payload: Indicates whether the payload must be reset after the transmission (i.e. if a socket is defined). Returns: True if a socket is defined, False otherwise. If a socket is defined, then the payload is transmitted using it. Additionnaly the payload of the object may be reset if requested. """ if self.socket is None: return False else: self.socket.send(self.payload) if reset_payload: self.reset_payload() return True def add_digital_input(self, value, channel = 1): """ Adding a digital input to the payload Resolution: 1, unsigned Args: channel: The channel of the payload. value: The value of the sensor to be converted. Raises: Exception: raises an exception when the data can't be added to the payload because the resulting size would exceeds the maximum. """ if self.is_within_size_limit(DIGITAL_INPUT[1]): value = int(value) # precision is 1 self.payload = (self.payload + bytes([channel]) + DIGITAL_INPUT[0] + struct.pack('>B', value)) else: raise Exception('payload too big: size exceeds the limit!') def add_digital_output(self, value, channel = 2): """ Adding a digital output to the payload Resolution: 1, unsigned. Args: channel: The channel of the payload. value: The value of the sensor to be converted. Raises: Exception: raises an exception when the data can't be added to the payload because the resulting size would exceeds the maximum. """ if self.is_within_size_limit(DIGITAL_OUTPUT[1]): value = int(value) # precision is 1 self.payload = (self.payload + bytes([channel]) + DIGITAL_OUTPUT[0] + struct.pack('>B', value)) else: raise Exception('payload too big: size exceeds the limit!') def add_analog_input(self, value, channel = 3): """ Adding an analog input to the payload Resolution: 0.01, signed. Args: channel: The channel of the payload. value: The value of the sensor to be converted. Raises: Exception: raises an exception when the data can't be added to the payload because the resulting size would exceeds the maximum. """ if self.is_within_size_limit(ANALOG_INPUT[1]): value = int(value * 100) # precision is 0.01 self.payload = (self.payload + bytes([channel]) + ANALOG_INPUT[0] + struct.pack('>h', value)) else: raise Exception('payload too big: size exceeds the limit!') def add_analog_output(self, value, channel = 4): """ Adding an analog output to the payload Resolution: 0.01, signed. Args: channel: The channel of the payload. value: The value of the sensor to be converted. Raises: Exception: raises an exception when the data can't be added to the payload because the resulting size would exceeds the maximum. """ if self.is_within_size_limit(ANALOG_OUTPUT[1]): value = int(value * 100) # precision is 0.01 self.payload = (self.payload + bytes([channel]) + ANALOG_OUTPUT[0] + struct.pack('>h', value)) else: raise Exception('payload too big: size exceeds the limit!') def add_luminosity(self, value, channel = 5): """ Adding a luminosity reading to the payload Resolution: 1 lux, unsigned. Args: channel: The channel of the payload. value: The value of the sensor to be converted. Raises: Exception: raises an exception when the data can't be added to the payload because the resulting size would exceeds the maximum. """ if self.is_within_size_limit(ILLUMINANCE_SENSOR[1]): value = int(value) # precision is 1 self.payload = (self.payload + bytes([channel]) + ILLUMINANCE_SENSOR[0] + struct.pack('>H', value)) else: raise Exception('payload too big: size exceeds the limit!') def add_presence(self, value, channel = 6): """ Adding a presence reading to the payload Resolution: 1. Args: channel: The channel of the payload. value: The value of the sensor to be converted. Raises: Exception: raises an exception when the data can't be added to the payload because the resulting size would exceeds the maximum. """ if self.is_within_size_limit(PRESENCE_SENSOR[1]): value = int(value) # precision is 1 self.payload = (self.payload + bytes([channel]) + PRESENCE_SENSOR[0] + struct.pack('>B', value)) else: raise Exception('payload too big: size exceeds the limit!') def add_temperature(self, value, channel = 7): """ Adding a temperature reading to the payload Resolution: 0.1 degrees Celsius, signed. Args: channel: The channel of the payload. value: The value of the sensor to be converted. Raises: Exception: raises an exception when the data can't be added to the payload because the resulting size would exceeds the maximum. """ if self.is_within_size_limit(TEMPERATURE_SENSOR[1]): value = int(value * 10) # precision is 0.1 self.payload = (self.payload + bytes([channel]) + TEMPERATURE_SENSOR[0] + struct.pack('>h', value)) else: raise Exception('payload too big: size exceeds the limit!') def add_relative_humidity(self, value, channel = 8): """ Adding an humidty reading to the payload Resolution: 0.5 %, signed. Args: channel: The channel of the payload. value: The value of the sensor to be converted. Raises: Exception: raises an exception when the data can't be added to the payload because the resulting size would exceeds the maximum. """ if self.is_within_size_limit(HUMIDITY_SENSOR[1]): value = int(value * 2) # precision is 0.5 self.payload = (self.payload + bytes([channel]) + HUMIDITY_SENSOR[0] + struct.pack('>B', value)) else: raise Exception('payload too big: size exceeds the limit!') def add_accelerometer(self, value_x, value_y, value_z, channel = 9): """ Adding an accelerometer reading to the payload Resolution: 0.001 G per axis, signed. Args: channel: The channel of the payload. value_x: The acceleration value on the x axis. value_y: The acceleration value on the y axis. value_z: The acceleration value on the z axis. Raises: Exception: raises an exception when the data can't be added to the payload because the resulting size would exceeds the maximum. """ if self.is_within_size_limit(ACCELEROMETER[1]): value_x = int(value_x * 1000) # precision is 0.001 per axis value_y = int(value_y * 1000) value_z = int(value_z * 1000) self.payload = (self.payload + bytes([channel]) + ACCELEROMETER[0] + struct.pack('>h', value_x) + struct.pack('>h', value_y) + struct.pack('>h', value_z)) else: raise Exception('payload too big: size exceeds the limit!') def add_barometric_pressure(self, value, channel = 10): """ Adding an barometric pressure reading to the payload Resolution: 0.1 hPa, unsigned. Args: channel: The channel of the payload. value: The value of the sensor to be converted. Raises: Exception: raises an exception when the data can't be added to the payload because the resulting size would exceeds the maximum. """ if self.is_within_size_limit(BAROMETER[1]): value = int(value * 10) # precision is 0.1 self.payload = (self.payload + bytes([channel]) + BAROMETER[0] + struct.pack('>H', value)) else: raise Exception('payload too big: size exceeds the limit!') def add_gyrometer(self, value_x, value_y, value_z, channel = 11): """ Adding an gyrometer reading to the payload Resolution: 0.01 deg / sec for each axis, signed. Args: channel: The channel of the payload. value_x: The angular speed on the x axis. value_y: The angular speed on the y axis. value_z: The angular speed on the z axis. Raises: Exception: raises an exception when the data can't be added to the payload because the resulting size would exceeds the maximum. """ if self.is_within_size_limit(GYROMETER[1]): value_x = int(value_x * 100) # precision is 0.01 per axis value_y = int(value_y * 100) value_z = int(value_z * 100) self.payload = (self.payload + bytes([channel]) + GYROMETER[0] + struct.pack('>h', value_x) + struct.pack('>h', value_y) + struct.pack('>h', value_z)) else: raise Exception('payload too big: size exceeds the limit!') def add_gps(self, lat, lon, alt, channel = 12): """ Adding an GPS reading to the payload Resolution: 0.0001 deg for the latitude and longitute, signed. 0.01 meters for the altitude, signed. Args: channel: The channel of the payload. lat: The latitude. lon: The longitute. alt: The altitude. Raises: Exception: raises an exception when the data can't be added to the payload because the resulting size would exceeds the maximum. """ if self.is_within_size_limit(GPS[1]): lat = int(lat * 10000) # precision is 0.0001 for lat and lon lon = int(lon * 10000) alt = int(alt * 100) # precision is 0.01 for altitude self.payload = (self.payload + bytes([channel]) + GPS[0] + struct.pack('>l', lat)[1:4] + struct.pack('>l', lon)[1:4] + struct.pack('>l', alt)[1:4]) else: raise Exception('payload too big: size exceeds the limit!') def add_generic(self, lpp_id, values, channel = 13, data_size = 1, is_signed = True, precision = 1): """ Adding an generic sensor reading to the payload Resolution: Defined by the 'precision' argument (see below). See also the resolution of the other methods. Args: channel: The channel of the payload. lpp_id: The LPP id of the sensor (IPSO id - 3200). data_size: The total number of bytes for the payload. is_signed: Boolean indicating whether we need to use signed (True) or unsigned (False) encoding. precision: The precision of the sensor reading (e.g. 0.01, 1, 0.5). values: The data to be encoded, either a scalar or a list. Raises: Exception: raises an exception when the data can't be added to the payload because the resulting size would exceeds the maximum. """ if self.is_within_size_limit(data_size): # determining the encoding enc = '' if is_signed: enc = '>l' else: enc = '>L' # updating the payload self.payload = self.payload + bytes([channel]) + bytes([lpp_id]) if isinstance(values, list): values = [int(v / precision) for v in values] for v in values: self.payload = self.payload + struct.pack(enc, v)[-data_size:] else: values = int(values / precision) self.payload = self.payload + struct.pack(enc, values)[-data_size:] else: raise Exception('payload too big: size exceeds the limit!')
from machine import UART from network import LoRa import binascii import os import pycom pycom.heartbeat(False) # Setting up the UART to dump the output to the console uart = UART(0, 115200) os.dupterm(uart) # Getting the LoRa MAC lora = LoRa(mode=LoRa.LORAWAN, public=1, adr=0, tx_retries=0) print("LORA MAC") print(binascii.hexlify(lora.mac()))
""" Cayenne LPP with LoPy Nano Gateway """ from network import LoRa import time import socket import binascii import ubinascii from CayenneLPP import cayenneLPP from pysense import Pysense from SI7006A20 import SI7006A20 import pycom import micropython import machine # Initialize LoRa in LORAWAN mode. lora = LoRa(mode=LoRa.LORAWAN) # create an OTA authentication params dev_eui = ubinascii.unhexlify('') # these settings can be found from TTN app_eui = ubinascii.unhexlify('') # these settings can be found from TTN app_key = ubinascii.unhexlify('') # these settings can be found from TTN # set the 3 default channels to the same frequency (must be before sending the OTAA join request) lora.add_channel(0, frequency=916800000, dr_min=0, dr_max=5) lora.add_channel(1, frequency=916800000, dr_min=0, dr_max=5) lora.add_channel(2, frequency=916800000, dr_min=0, dr_max=5) # join a network using OTAA lora.join(activation=LoRa.OTAA, auth=(dev_eui, app_eui, app_key), timeout=0) # wait until the module has joined the network while not lora.has_joined(): time.sleep(2.5) print('Not joined yet...') # remove all the non-default channels for i in range(3, 16): lora.remove_channel(i) # create a LoRa socket s = socket.socket(socket.AF_LORA, socket.SOCK_RAW) # set the LoRaWAN data rate s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_LORA, socket.SO_DR, 5) # make the socket non-blocking s.setblocking(False) time.sleep(5.0) print('Network joined!') """ Your own code can be written below! """ while True: # create a LoRa socket s = socket.socket(socket.AF_LORA, socket.SOCK_RAW) s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_LORA, socket.SO_DR, 0) s.setblocking(True) # creating Cayenne LPP packet lpp = cayenneLPP.CayenneLPP(size = 100, sock = s) temperature = (machine.rng() * .0000001) + 30 lpp.add_temperature(temperature) lpp.send(reset_payload = True) print('packet sent') humidity = (machine.rng() * .0000001) + 50 lpp.add_relative_humidity(humidity) lpp.send(reset_payload = True) print('packet sent') time.sleep(30)
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